Eye disease progression app

May 19, 2018 Staff reporters

FocalView, a new app from Novartis, uses patients’ self-recorded measurements to help researchers track disease progression in clinical trials. Created with Apple’s ResearchKit, the app aims to reduce barriers to trial participation and give researchers access to more real-world, patient-reported data.

Researchers can track disease progression by collecting real-time, self-reported data directly from consenting patients. By adapting the design of clinical trials to suit the daily routine of patients, the app may reduce barriers to participation, leading to a more nuanced understanding of ophthalmic diseases and potentially accelerating the development of novel treatments.

Data capture in traditional ophthalmic clinical trials can be inflexible and infrequent, making it difficult for researchers to monitor patients' disease activity and capture real-world patient experiences. FocalView aims to help patients complete various assessments, gaining feedback on their visual function, including any changes over time.

It’s currently only available for download in the App Store in the US.