Comfort EDOF launched in C-loop
Device Technologies' Regan Clark and Diego Sonderegger with Tricia MacDonald (centre) at RANZCO NZ 2023

Comfort EDOF launched in C-loop

July 11, 2023 Staff reporters

In response to demand, Teleon has launched a C-loop version of its popular Comfort intraocular lens (IOL), said Device Technologies’ Diego Sonderegger.


“The Teleon Comfort IOL has been very successful in the New Zealand market because it offers the least amount of halo and glare during night vision, and an extended depth of focus of 1.5 diopters near addition… and now we have a new hydrophobic C-loop version to meet market demand.”


Teleon offers a choice of two near additions: the Acunex Vario EDOF version with +1.5D ADD and the Acunex Variomax with +3.0D ADD. All Teleon multifocal IOLs incorporate a distance and near segment which are blended to create a smooth transition from distance to near vision, said Sonderegger. “Whereas diffractive multifocal IOLs can lose up to 20% of light transmission, resulting in glare and halos, Teleon’s refractive optic design reduces light loss to around 5%, while the segmental design provides minimal image overlap, which minimises glare and halos.”


According to Teleon, with a water content of around 4%, the Acunex hydrophobic material stands out from many of the dry-stored hydrophobic IOLs. It is also one of the first hydrophobic IOLs to have been certified by the US Food and Drug Administration as being glistening-free, plus it imitates a natural lens by absorbing harmful UV light and the violet part of the blue light spectrum for natural colour perception, said the company.


“It gives good distance vision and good intermediate vision, and the optical clarity is very high,” said Sonderegger. “It’s simply a very optically advanced type of IOL.”