ADONZ: Celebrating the class of 2022
ACOD graduating class of 2022 with teachers. Credit: Chris Mitchell

ADONZ: Celebrating the class of 2022

January 31, 2023 Susanne Bradley

The fourth New Zealand dispensing optician graduation was a well-attended affair, celebrating the efforts and success of 15 new optical dispensers.


Guest of honour Fiona Anderson, president of the International Opticians’ Association, congratulated the graduates and encouraged them to continue to challenge themselves and to seek out their specialty. “Think of today as the start of your career in optics. You are now a healthcare provider, possibly the first contact for a patient, and they will be looking to you to help them make it good.”


The Australian College of Dispensing (ACOD) first-in-course prize was awarded to Kylee Howell, second prize to Caitlin Matthews and third to Ninette Nel. Howell was also awarded the prestigious David Wilson Memorial Award for outstanding achievement.


Against all odds


Having worked in the industry since she was 17, 2022 was Howell’s year to shine. Orphaned at age 15, she never completed school or any other qualification. She first enrolled into the optical dispensing course in 2000 but dropped out six months later as she felt she could not pass. Then in early 2021, Howell’s employer encouraged her to consider trying again. Now, less than 18 months later, she has completed it with distinction.


“Kylee has worked in optics continually for 27 years, but this was the right time for her to gain her qualification,” said ACOD director James Gibbins. “ACOD is thrilled for every student who completes the course, but we do get a special thrill when we hear the life stories and experiences of students for whom their qualification is especially significant, like Kylee. She has a delightful, friendly, engaging personality and would clearly be popular with her customers and colleagues. She certainly was with her classmates and teachers in our workshop!”


“I honestly couldn’t believe it,” said Howell upon receiving the awards. “I hadn’t even told anyone before that night. I guess I didn’t have the confidence and didn’t believe that I could achieve something like that.”


Award-winning graduate DO Kylee Howell


Pondering what made it different this time, she said maturity was definitely a factor. “I think having workshops also made a massive difference. If I had a question, I could email one of the tutors to make sure I was on the right track, whereas back in the early 2000s, you just didn’t have that support – you just received the paperwork, filled it in, sent it back to Australia and waited for your results.”


Howell’s employer, Paterson Burn Optometrists, supported her to do the certification. “I wouldn’t have been able to do it if they hadn’t supported me, and it’s beneficial for them too. Even though I have been in optics for 27 years, I still learnt a lot; it’s given me more drive and inspiration. You never stop learning in this industry and that’s what I love most about it. I’ve also had great bosses in my time; they’ve really kept me in the business.”


Asked what advice she would give to budding DOs, she said to just do it and add another string to your bow. “The extra confidence you gain and the feeling of accomplishment makes it all worth it and you’ll be amazed by how much knowledge you already have when you’re working in the industry.”


Class of 2022 Cert IV in Optical Dispensing graduates:

Jessica Bennett
Maria Bravo
Sian Bull
Shawn Henry
Kylee Howell
Patrizia Krieser
Ninette Nel
Juliana Silva
Stephanie Berendt
Taryn Brown
Xueyu (Nick) Feng
Tyler Hill
Rabia Khalid
Caitlin Matthews
Diana Soenarto