Allergan: Ozurdex is back

July 2, 2019 Staff reporters

After struggling with supply issues due to demand levels, and last year’s batch recall, Allergan ANZ’s team has announced Ozurdex is back up to full supply for New Zealand, and has been for a few months now and, more recently, Australia.


Ozurdex, a long-acting intravitreal steroid, delivered via a sustained-release ocular implant is funded in New Zealand for adult diabetic macular oedema (DMO) patients, and is proving to be a welcome addition to retina specialists’ armamentarium. “Ozurdex is a more expensive medication to use compared to off-label triamcinolone, but it has the advantages of fewer injections and a better safety profile for the patient,” wrote Dr Andrew Riley in an article for NZ Optics last year.


In relation to the supply issues, the company said, “Allergan thanks all healthcare professionals for their understanding given some would have experienced delays to patient injection timing or need to change therapy.”


For more on Ozurdex or Allergan’s Xen Gel Stent, go to and enter “Allergan” in the search box.