Allergens labelling - consultation opens

July 1, 2019 Heather Barker

Medsafe has opened a public consultation on plans to introduce new labelling requirements for non-active substances in medicines that may cause allergic reactions.

Group Manager Chris James said: “The consultation is asking members of the public, healthcare professionals, consumer groups and industry whether a number of different substances should be included on medicine labels.

“Some of those substances include egg and egg products, gluten, soya bean products, tree nuts and pollen.”

James said the Medicines Regulations 1984 already requires medicines to include any warning statements required by Medsafe and the proposed changes would expand the list of warning statements to include non-active substances that may cause adverse reactions.

“It’s really important to us to factor in everyone’s views, that’s where this consultation comes in.”

The consultation opened on June 27 for six weeks on the Ministry of Health’s Consultation Hub.