Dr Dean Corbett accepting the 2018 AUSCRS film trophy


April 5, 2019 Staff reporters

Registration is open for the 2019 annual Australasian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (AUSCRS) conference, which this year is being held in New Zealand at the Hilton’s Karawau Village on Lake Wakatipu in Queenstown from 17-21 July.

Reflecting Queenstown’s adventure credentials, the AUSCRS 2019 programme and exhibition area will be adrenalin-themed, said Professor Graham Barrett, AUSCRS president. “The educational objectives for the ‘Chrystal Clear’ Conference are that attendees learn new surgical techniques; strengthen and sharpen surgical skills; receive instruction on clinical issues; hear and assess current clinical research on surgical techniques, instrumentation and outcomes; view and demonstrate state-of-the-art ophthalmic equipment and supplies; and improve practice management knowledge and skills.”

A call for abstracts has gone out, with a closing date of 15 April, and for 2019 film festival entries (closing date 31 May), won last year by New Zealand’s own Dr Dean Corbett. Films are judged on their educational and entertainment value, their content and production quality and the presenter’s performance.


In his video and live voice-over, Dr Corbett profiled a case for which he’d ordered custom-made 45D intraocular lenses (IOLs) for a 17.8mm axial length eye with high hyperopia. However, the posterior capsule was damaged during the second procedure, a situation he remedied using an implantable contact lens!

For more and to register, go to Earlybird registration discounts are available until 15 April.