Hoya: Perfect pair inside and out

August 9, 2024 Sponsored feature

HOYA Sensity light-adaptive lenses are ideal for anyone who frequently moves between indoor and outdoor environments. These lenses remain clear indoors, darken upon exposure to UV and swiftly return to their clear state once indoors again. Because they adjust to changing light conditions, HOYA Sensity lenses are a convenient '2-in-1' solution for those who are light-sensitive or prefer not to carry an extra pair of glasses.


HOYA Sensity lenses are available in several options:


  • Sensity 2: The best ‘all round’ option, fades back faster than previous generations
  • Sensity Dark: Provides extra darkness outdoors and behind car windows
  • Sensity Shine: Features a subtle indoor mirror effect that intensifies in bright outdoor light
  • Sensity Fast: The quickest light-adaptive lenses available.


To learn more, contact your HOYA sales consultant or call 0800 744 692.


To find the NZ distributor, see ‘Frames’ here.