Welcome to the RANZCO NZ Branch 2023 meeting!
Wellington Harbour. Credit Ian Trafford

Welcome to the RANZCO NZ Branch 2023 meeting!

April 12, 2023 Dr Kenneth Chan

ONLINE ONLY - Hotlink: https://web.cvent.com/event/117e37e0-d117-4839-b367-7ec5c99431e1/summary

On behalf of the organising committee, I would like to extend a warm invitation to NZ Optics readers to attend the RANZCO NZ Branch 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting, to be held at Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa) in Wellington, from 5-6 May 2023.

With world-renowned speakers from the US, UK, Singapore and Australia joining us in person for the first time since 2019, we have a jam-packed two-day programme covering a wide range of general and subspecialty topics around the theme of ‘More than Meets the Eye’. Other highlights include a plenary session dedicated to the future of eyecare in Aotearoa, incorporating the launch of RANZCO's Te Tiriti o Waitangi action plan and Vision 2030 (NZ) plan, as well as the Dorothy Potter and John Parr lectures – the latter being awarded to an ophthalmic nurse for the first time since its inception.

This is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge, gain insights into the latest advances in ophthalmology and network with your colleagues from New Zealand and abroad. Wellington is a vibrant and picturesque city offering a unique blend of cultural and natural attractions. The New Zealand capital is known for its stunning harbour, surrounded by green hills and home to a vibrant arts and culture scene, excellent restaurants and world-class museums.

Further details can be found on the RANZCO website. Early bird registration closes on Monday 3 April 2023, so don't delay! We look forward to welcoming you to Wellington for what promises to be a memorable and enriching experience.

Best regards,

Dr Kenneth Chan

On behalf of the RANZCO NZ Branch 2023 ASM Organising Committee