Developed by internationally renowned ocular surface educators Professors Jennifer Craig (New Zealand), Lyndon Jones (Canada) and James Wolffsohn (UK), the World Council of Optometry (WCO) and Alcon’s Dry Eye Wheel was officially unveiled at the 2023 BCLA conference.
The wheel symbolises the process of mitigating and measuring dry eye disease, then using that information to inform eyecare professionals’ management approach for patients, said the WCO. The rings in the wheel symbolise the simplest through to more complex approaches for mitigation, measurement and management of dry eye, according to severity, it said. “There is plenty you can do to ease the discomfort of dry eye patients, even with no additional investment (bronze outer ring) or limited investment (silver middle ring). As the majority of patients with dry eye have mild to moderate disease, all practitioners need to get involved, referring to specialist centres when needed.”