Award-winning medical technology social enterprise oDocs has launched its new and improved smartphone-based retinal imaging adapter, VisoScope 2.0, designed for retinal examination and photo documentation.
“In these challenging Covid-times, delivery of essential eye care services may well need to extend beyond the conventional clinical environment,” said oDocs founder and CEO Dr Sheng Chiong Hong. “VisoScope 2.0 empowers eye care professionals (ECPs) with retinal screening and diagnosis in any daily setting. With its objective lens having a 45-degree field-of-view, ECPs will be able to capture images, record videos and triage patients’ retinal images with just a smartphone camera.”
Optoms wanted for teleophthalmology trial
In other news, oDocs is seeking optometrists based in New Zealand or Australia to participate in a trial of its regional acute teleophthalmology system, in collaboration with NHS Forth Valley, Scotland and Sydney’s Campbeltown Hospital and University of Technology Sydney.
For more information or to take part, please contact Dr Renoh Chalakkal at