Are you the next IOA Silmo Optician of the Year?

May 23, 2024 Staff reporters

Entries are now open for the International Opticians’ Association (IOA) Silmo International Optician of the Year Award.  


Recognising the importance of the optician and their role in the choice of optimum products for their clientele, the winner will need to demonstrate they are a qualified dispensing optician in the country where they practice, as well as displaying professionalism, excellent communication skills, entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, specialisation and more.  


IOA members, country members and industry partners can nominate opticians worldwide. Nominations should be made on the form here by 15 June 2024. Shortlisted nominees will be contacted to fill in the final dossier for consideration by the jury.  


The winner will be announced at September’s Silmo Paris 2024 and will be awarded a trip to Silmo 2025 (economy air fare and hotel).