Mementos for eye health
Dr Malcom McKellar modelling his tinted safety specs

Mementos for eye health

June 5, 2024 Staff reporters

Christchurch ophthalmologist Dr Malcolm McKellar is giving away safety glasses to patients, to promote healthy choices. 


Eye injuries are very common and almost all the serious injuries we see could have been avoided if eye protection had been worn. We know that only 6% of patients with an eye injury were wearing safety glasses at the time and are often very embarrassed about their habits when questioned,” he said. 


Dr McKellar had been considering the branded mementos other businesses typically give their customers. But considering prevention is better than a cure led him to consider how he might better align this idea with the values and messages of his workplace. “Initially, I just reinforced my concerns with injured patients, saying I was so keen they’d never have another eye injury that I would give them a pair of safety glasses. Now I just offer them to everyone,” he said, adding that about a third take up the offer. 


The branded safety glasses Dr McKellar gives his patients are supplied by Würth and are rated for protection against all injuries except the use of explosives.